
German Shepherd working dogs!

Schutzhund Poem - Your Schutzhund Heart by Michele Hansen
A true recollection of trial day

A poem written for Gjeter...She has inspired me

Your Schutzund Heart
by Michele Hansen

A true recollection of trial day

Tracking is sheer torment
I can not help you my friend
Your endurance and strong will leads us to the end

Obedience demonstrates your natural drives
Your spirit pushes the weight of two  
Through my wave of nerves we stride

Protection is fast and furious
Your  courage and fight is put to the test
  Today your character is proven to the best

Just as real life is uncertain, so is competition
We never know what we will overcome on that day

You have taught me to push myself and believe in you my friend

When I wanted to give up you foraged on

When I was unsure you fussed on
When I felt unease you showed strong

Now Your  Schutzhund Heart belongs to me... I will make sure it lives on

Thank you Gjeter





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